By Charles B. Warren
A Brief Synopsis of Unlikely Heroes: Searching for Home in America
Two men, one an enslaver, the other enslaved, grappled with violence as children. Now they must reckon with the fallout—and each other. Their conflict takes place in the incredibly dangerous and chaotic events of the mid-1800s. These uncertain and explosive times revolutionized society.
One thing was at stake. The enslavers called it illegal. The enslaved called it freedom. And so the struggle began…and life would never be the same again.
Unlikely Heroes: Searching for Home in America
In this novel the character is struggling with the fact that he is a man and not a slave. This story follows the mental, physical, and emotional turmoil, heartbreak, and tragedy, of a man and his family trapped in a system that says they are less than human, yet it focuses on the determination, perseverance, and the morals that each person held within them to obtain their goals, to find their place in this society.
The novel tells the story of a people’s struggle from slave to free persons. It
shows early on the value of education, no matter the length of time it takes to get it. The novel will cause the reader to look through a “different pair of glasses” before he/she dare judge the next person.
It was exciting and suspenseful.
Richard Wilder, President, Buffalo Soldiers Florida, Inc.
August 9, 2023
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Charles B. Warren